Look where God has brought us



    We cannot say when the vision of a dedicated school of ministry was conceived in the heart of Bishop Dunn but we do know, thank God, that BIBS (formerly Bethel Institute of Biblical Studies) was birthed.

  • 1994


    Our Presiding Bishop, appointed Bishop Martin Howard Simmonds as the first Principal of the Bible College based at the Bethel Convention Centre, Kelvin Way.


  • Sept 1994

    The Birth

    This Bethel ministry opened its doors for the first time on a Friday evening in September 1994, with teachers from across the country!

  • 1999

    The Prophecy

    During our Graduation Ceremony in 1999 the prophecy went forth to “lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes”. Since then BIBS has gone from strength to strength. Under the leadership of Dr. Taylor, our current Dean (2000-2018), we have seen phenomenal growth.


  • 2000

    The Passing of the Baton

    Bishop Simmonds passed the baton to Dr. Taylor in 2000, he continued to teach at BIBS and travelled with us on several student tours to Bible lands. Thank you for giving your all, to further the kingdom of God.

  • 2001-2006

    New Courses Introduced

    As directed by the Lord, our Dean added the Foundation, Degree to the list of course offerings


  • 2008


    BIBS Awards its First PhD

    We continued to grow as an academic institute; working with Parkersburg Bible College (USA) and NOCN (UK) and in 2008 we received accreditation for our courses. In October of 2008 over 40 students graduated from BIBS with recognised certificates as evidence of their achievements.

    In that very same graduation BIBS under the umbrella of Parkersburg Bible College awarded our first earned PhD. It was a day to remember, our late presiding Bishop Sydney Alexander Dunn received his Doctorate during the graduation ceremony.

  • 2009

    New Premises

    In 2009 BIBS moved from the Bethel Convention Centre to the front building on the same site. Extensive work was undertaken to improve the school’s premises, for which we are grateful to God for the support and resources received.



  • 2010

    Short Courses

    As directed by the Lord, our Dean added  Short Courses to the list of courses. The Short Courses were designed to edify and fortify Christians in subjects that are relevant for the times we are living in.

  • 2011

    Recognised OCN Centre

    In 2011 BIBS became a ‘Recognised Centre’ to deliver OCN Qualifications



  • 2012


    Graduation 2012

    In our Graduation Ceremony (2012), our hearts were once again filled with joy when Bishop Martin Simmonds and our Dean of Studies, Dr. Mavis Taylor were also awarded an earned PhD’s in Biblical Theology, Christian Education, Counselling, Administration and Philosophy. Some of our teachers were also awarded a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Theology; this strengthened the academic base of BIBS.

  • 2016

    Graduation 2016

    In our Graduation Ceremony (2016), BIBS awarded it’s first Bachelors Degree in Biblical Theology to Dean Wright, who had completed 16 units over four years i.e. 420 hours in the classroom, and a minimum of 15 additional hours each week searching the Scriptures and completing assignments.

    In that same Graduation Ceremony Elder Nicholas Myers (teacher) was awarded a Bachelors Degree in Theology, unbeknown to him and the congregation.


We thank God that as a ministry of Bethel, the Bible School has fulfilled its mandate and will continue to do so by the grace of God.

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